a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
paramus Hansson

Antenna lateral, female.

Antenna lateral, male.

Head frontal, female.

Head frontal, male.

Vertex, female.

Thoracic dorsum, female.

Thoracic dorsum, female paratype.

Thoracic dorsum, male.

Thoracic dorsum, male paratype.

Propodeum dorsal, female.

Propodeum dorsal, male.

Gaster dorsal, female.

Originally described in

Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, Vol. 82:285.


Female scape black, femora and tibiae dark brown; male scape bright golden-green with red tinges and enlarged, widest close to base; propodeum with submedian grooves and anterolateral foveas reticulate with small-meshed and strong reticulation, median carina visible only in anterior ˝; female petiole 1.8X as long as wide.





Similar species in Lucid key



Depository of primary type

Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH), Villa de Leyva, Colombia.